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Showing posts from March, 2019

Azure SQL DB tiers comparison

Hi All In the last few month Brent Ozar gae us 2 masterpiece blogs related to Azure SQL DB:   How fast can a $21,468/mo Azure SQL DB load data?     In this blog Brent compared the abilities of Azure SQL DBs to load Data - he compared all combinations of vCors tiers. (When I asked him about comparing the Standard\Premium tiers, he told me to do it.... :-) )   There’s a bottleneck in Azure SQL DB storage throughput.   In this blog Brent showed us that in the vCors world the storage throughput has limit and there is not need to pay so much money when you need to upload lots of data.   So I took have taken up his challenge and done a comparison in Azure SQL DB in Standard\Premium tiers. I have created a new DB with 1 Table. I have generated 7 GB of DATA, and created the file in my local on premise drive (Yes, do not kill me, I did not had the time to put it on azure), and uploaded it via BCP command.   bcp "TableNam...