Hi All And today a short post from my friend Yitzchak Wahnon (@YitzWahnon). He was asked to deploy a DB into SQL Azure, it was DB that already exists their, and i asked him to deploy the changes, and here is What went through: "I was having a problem doing schema compare in SSDT in Visual Studio against a SQL Azure DB. Visual studio threw an unclear error. In the end with stackoverflow I finally found a hint to the problem: You SQL Database Azure connection will timeout if you exceed your Database Throughput Unit (DTS) limit . This can easily happen if you are using the Basic Service Tier of the SQL Database on Azure. The Basic service tier is capped at 5 Database Throughput Units (5 DTUs), so if you have a lot of comparisons, it may exceed the threshold. Try upgrading to Standard service tier of SQL Database, (which has a threshold limit of 10 DTUs), and see if the problem goes away. http://stackoverflow.com/ questions/26055747/schema- comparis...
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