Today i will publish a post of a friend, Yitzchak Wahanon - @YitzWahanon
He wrote this post about Premium Tier, but meanwhile we have non readable replica in Standard Tier too.
Its all of the same but the main change is - that its not readable. Only MSFT will decide if it will be available for us.
This Post include lots of images, its important to understand the Process.
Already have 1 Server, so need to start by creating the
Create a new database
Needs to be Premium Edition:
Create a new server in a different Geo location.
Within the Source database, Click on Geo_Replication: -
Click on “Add Replica” at the bottom
Choose Server - obviously in a different location to the
Accept to pay lots of money:
Progress and steps are reported at the bottom of the screen:
If you connect to the secondary server then you can see that
the database is being copied
Go back to the source and it will show that the
geo-replication is active
configure IP access to the new server.
Insert a record in the Source and see it almost immediately
replicated to the Copy
Try Inserting into the Copy
another server in another geo location and another replica
In the SQL Databases you now have
Try changing the scale of a replica
Try changing the scale of the master:
Stop the replica on the master
Note the Geo-Replication screen takes time to update.
After you stop geo-replication the Copy database still
exists, just marked with “None” in the Replication column. The database is also
read/write now
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